I am going to leave out the 1/13 on both sides of the matrix equation, so they line up nicely
│ 2 5││ 4-5││m│
│-1 4││ 1 2││n│ =
│ 2 5││32│
│-1 4││-5│
│13 0││m│
│0 13││n│ =
│ 39│
so 13m=39 ----> m=3
and 13n=-52 --> n=-4
My book doesn't solve it like a linear equation, they solve it by using inverse matrices.
Solve the matrix equation:
|4 -5||m|=|32|
|1 2| |n|=|-5|
A= |4 -5|
|1 2|
X= |m|
B= |32|
Step 1. Find the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
A^-1= 1/13|2 5|
|-1 4|
(I get confused in step 2)
Step 2. Multiply each side of the matrix by the inverse matrix
1 answer