My assingment states to view the comparison of the UNited States-Centric. Which I have a compare and contrast sheet I need to fill in about how an average american perceptions about muslim and arab american and christian american groups.

Now I've done the compare and contrast and also my participant that used to do one as well so i can see the difference of what we both think.

Now the question that i'm suppost to answer states the following and i'm not understanding it.

(1)From either or both tables,name one or two descriptor(s) tha tyou think represent true facts about each group and one or two descriptor(s) that yo think are false.

(2) How do you think an average american perceptions of each group are created.

Can you explain to me what is it asking me i don't understand the assignment questions.

Mine mine: Choose one name to post questions. Stop posting under multiple names.

My classmates friends want me to post their questions as well.Thats why there are multiple names is there a problem.

The first question asks you to look at a table. Then you need to decide which descriptions are factually true and which ones are not true.

The second question asks for your opinion about how American ideas for each group (Muslim and Christian) started.

The vast majority (78%)of Americans profess to be Christians. Muslims make a very small minority (1%).

Current events, such as 9/11, Muslim suicide bombers, the continuing war between two Muslim groups in Iraq, have influenced American perceptions of Muslims. In addition, perceived shady business practices of Muslims in the Detroit area have also had a negative effect on American's perceptions.

2 answers

i need two to three descriptor that you think that represent true facts about muslin and arab americans
i need two to three descriptor that you think that represent true facts about muslin and arab american where is it posted