My assignment is to write a paragraph about what I've learned this week. It should contain clear and concise sentences, with correct spelling and puncuation. How do you think I did?
This Weeks Material Has Changed The Way I Write
This weeks material has opened my eyes to several common writing errors that I have been making for quite some time. For example, using improper word choices. For the longest time, I have been known to confuse the words; Capital, and Capitol. As simple as that may seem, I’ve always struggled with those words. This week’s material has given me the opportunity to learn the proper usage of both words. Another lesson I’ve learned in this week’s material is using a dictionary and thesaurus. Using them will allow me to be more clear and concise with word meaning, and proper spelling in my writing. Before this week I rarely would use either to assist in my writing, now I’m using them quite often with success.
4 answers
This week's material has opened my eyes to several common writing errors that I have been making for quite some time. For example, I have been using improper word choices. For the longest time, I have been known to confuse the words capital and capitol. As simple as that may seem, I’ve always struggled with those words. This week’s material has given me the opportunity to learn the proper usage of both words. Another lesson I’ve learned in this week’s material is effective use of a dictionary and thesaurus. Using them will allow me to be more clear and concise about word meanings and proper spelling in my writing. Before this week, I rarely used either to assist in my writing, but now I’m using them quite often - and with success.
· Use at least five different pronouns in your sentences.
· Identify all pronouns used by bolding them.