To multiply fractions, you simply multiply the numerators together and the denominators together.
So, to multiply 5/-19 and 6/-2:
(5/-19) * (6/-2)
= (5 * 6) / (-19 * -2)
= 30 / 38 (since -19 * -2 = 38)
The answer is 30/38. But we can simplify it further:
= 15/19 (by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor which is 2)
So, the final answer is 15/19.
mutiply 5/-19 6/-2
7 answers
The channel acts like a gate; when the hormone molecule binds with the protein, it acts like a key that opens the locked gate and allows molecules through.
Rephrase this sentence in prel
Rephrase this sentence in prel
When the hormone molecule attaches to the protein, it functions as a key that unlocks the gate, enabling the passage of molecules.
molecules diffuse across the plasma membrane with assistance from membrane proteins, such as channels and carriers.
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Rephrase this sentence on prek
Molecules move through the plasma membrane with the help of special proteins, like channels and carriers.
They can't pass through any other membranes since phospholipids wont let them pass.
Rephrase this sentence. In prek
Rephrase this sentence. In prek
Molecules cannot go through other membranes because phospholipids do not allow them to pass.