Muslims expert in falaq have produced salat timetables for the convenience of the ummah.
1.Generally how accurate is the timetable?
2. If, say for example the error is about 5minutes. The time for asr is 430 pm. Is it then possible to take the prayer time to be anywhere between 425 and 435 pm? Or one must take the 430pm strictly?
3.Some people when break their fast of 1 or 2 minutes later than the time in the timetable as a precaution/ihtiat ,as the timetable is an approximation. Is this a commendable act?
4.For the same area and date, there are sometimes different times from timetables produced by different authorities. How do one decide which timetable for him to use?
5.There is a hadis which says one may still eat in Ramadan even though he is hearing the fajr azan. This shows that the syariah provides some allowance and not too rigorous in the timing?
6.In the time of Rasul, the timing is relied basically on the observance of the naked eye, which is quite relative and may have quite a big error. So, it indicates that one do not have to be very particular and strictly follow the prayer timetable ?
1 answer
i am trying to help youn and to improve my self too regarding time prayer.
It has been made compulsory at certain times of the day. Prayer timings do notremain constant as they are determined by looking at the sun. Consequentlythe time of a particular prayer would be different in different parts of theWorld. Prayer Time Tables are easily available at the mosques and IslamicCenters throughout the World. Now-a- days electronic devices like 'T-Bilal"or "Spectronic" are available in the market which can tell the prayer times of nearly 1000 major cities of the World. They are particularly helpful to theMuslims travelling to non-Muslim countries However, the following generaltimetable for prayers can fairly be observed in almost any part of the World.There are five obligatory prayers which are performed at five different times of the day.