To multiply fractions and decimals, you should follow these steps:
1. Convert the decimal into a fraction, if necessary. For example, 0.75 can be written as 75/100 or 3/4.
2. Multiply the numerators (top numbers) of the fractions together to get the resulting numerator.
3. Multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) of the fractions together to get the resulting denominator.
4. Simplify the fraction, if necessary, by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.
Here's an example:
Multiply 1/2 by 0.75.
Step 1: Convert 0.75 into a fraction: 0.75 = 75/100 = 3/4.
Step 2: Multiply the numerators: 1 x 3 = 3.
Step 3: Multiply the denominators: 2 x 4 = 8.
Step 4: Simplify the fraction: 3/8 is already in its simplest form.
So, 1/2 multiplied by 0.75 equals 3/8.
multiply fractions and decimals quick check
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