To multiply and reduce to simplest form, we can follow these steps:
Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
3 and three-fifths = (3*5 + 3)/5 = 18/5
9 and six-sevenths = (9*7 + 6)/7 = 69/7
Step 2: Multiply the fractions:
(18/5) * (69/7) = (18*69)/(5*7) = 1242/35
Step 3: Reduce the fraction to its simplest form:
1242/35 = 35 and 17/35
Therefore, the answer is 35 and seventeen-thirty-fifths.
Multiply and reduce to simplest form.
3 and three-fifths times 9 and six-sevenths
(1 point)
27 and eighteen-thirty-fifths
Image with alt text: 27 and eighteen-thirty-fifths
2 and seventeen-thirty-fifths
Image with alt text: 2 and seventeen-thirty-fifths
35 and seventeen-thirty-fifths
Image with alt text: 35 and seventeen-thirty-fifths
13 and sixteen-thirty-fifths
1 answer