Multiply a 3- digit number by a 1- digit number

1/in a package of pencils , 8 are yellow and 4 are blue . How many yellow pencils are in 426 packages?
The answer:
12*426= 5,112

2/ A single pencil can draw a line equal to the length of 616 football fields! If you wanted to draw a line equal to the length of about 3,000 football fields, would you need 3,4, or 5 pencils? Explain.

3/ The school store has 3,000 pencils. They want tostock an eraser for each pencil . The eraser come in bags of 250 . The store ordered 9 bags. Will they have an eraser for each pencil? Explin
No , explain,,
250*9= 2250

Please ,, help me to solve the problem 1,2,3

2 answers

#1 - forget about the blue pencils. There are 8 yellows in each package. So, in 426 packages, there are 8*426=3408.

Note that the title of the problem set was "Multiply a 3- digit number by a 1- digit number". That should have been a clue that your approach was wrong.

#2 - multiply and check:

3*616 = 1848
4*616 = 2464
5*616 = 3080

So, which is closest to 3000?

So, whatcha think? Are 2250 erasers enough for 3000 pencils?
1. Why did you multiply by 4? You only need to find the total of yellow pencils.

2. 3000 / 616 = ?

3. Right.