To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together.
The first fraction is 4/9, and the second fraction is 1 3/4. We can rewrite this mixed fraction as an improper fraction: 1 3/4 = (4*1 + 3)/4 = 7/4.
Now we can multiply the fractions:
4/9 * 7/4 = (4 * 7)/(9 * 4) = 28/36.
To simplify the fraction, we can divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor of 4:
28/36 ÷ 4/4 = 7/9.
Therefore, 4/9 multiplied by 1 3/4 equals 7/9 in simplest form.
Multiply 4/9 by 1 3/4 . Write the answer in simplest form.(1 point)
1 answer