To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together. So, multiplying 3/8 times 1/2, we get:
3/8 * 1/2 = (3 * 1) / (8 * 2) = 3/16
To write the answer in simplest form, we need to simplify the fraction. Since 3 and 16 have no common factors other than 1, 3/16 cannot be simplified further.
To convert the fraction to a mixed number, we divide the numerator (3) by the denominator (16) and write the quotient as a whole number followed by a fraction with the same denominator.
3/16 = 0 remainder 3
The whole number is 0 and the fraction is 3/16. Therefore, the answer in mixed number form is 0 3/16.
Multiply 3/8 times 1/2. Write the answer in simplest form and convert to a mixed number.
1 answer