To multiply fractions, you need to multiply the numerators together and then multiply the denominators together.
So, multiply 3/7 by 9/10:
(3/7) x (9/10) = (3 x 9) / (7 x 10)
Simplifying the numerator and denominator:
= 27/70
Multiply 3/7 by 9/10
8 answers
Multiply 49 by −3. Write the answer as a mixed number in simplest form.
To multiply a whole number by a negative number, you simply multiply the absolute values of the numbers and then add a negative sign to the result.
So, 49 x -3 = -147
To express this as a mixed number in simplest form, we divide -147 by the denominator, which is 1, since we're dealing with a whole number.
Therefore, the answer is -147.
So, 49 x -3 = -147
To express this as a mixed number in simplest form, we divide -147 by the denominator, which is 1, since we're dealing with a whole number.
Therefore, the answer is -147.
Multiply 9.6 by 0.2. Write the answer as a decimal
To multiply decimals, you can multiply them as if they were whole numbers and then adjust the decimal place in the final answer.
So, multiply 9.6 by 0.2:
9.6 x 0.2 = 1.92
So, the answer is 1.92.
So, multiply 9.6 by 0.2:
9.6 x 0.2 = 1.92
So, the answer is 1.92.
Multiply 2.6 by −1.3.
To multiply decimals, you can multiply them as if they were whole numbers and then adjust the decimal place in the final answer.
So, multiply 2.6 by -1.3:
2.6 x (-1.3) = -3.38
Therefore, the answer is -3.38.
So, multiply 2.6 by -1.3:
2.6 x (-1.3) = -3.38
Therefore, the answer is -3.38.
Multiply 37 by 910