- Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence: The ability to effectively use language, both written and spoken. Individuals with this intelligence have strong language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and understanding language nuances.
- Logical/Mathematical Intelligence: The ability to think logically and solve complex mathematical problems. People with this intelligence are good at reasoning, analyzing patterns, and solving numerical problems.
- Bodily/Kinaesthetic Intelligence: The ability to control body movements and handle physical tasks effectively. Individuals with this intelligence excel in activities such as sports, dancing, and other physical movements.
- Music/Rhythmic Intelligence: The ability to understand and create music. People with this intelligence have a strong appreciation for music, rhythm, and melody, and may excel in playing musical instruments or composing music.
- Interpersonal Intelligence: The ability to understand and interact effectively with others. Individuals with this intelligence have strong social skills, are good at empathizing with others, and excel in building relationships.
- Intrapersonal Intelligence: The ability to understand oneself and one's emotions. People with this intelligence have a strong sense of self-awareness, self-reflection, and emotional intelligence.
- Naturalistic Intelligence: The ability to recognize and understand patterns in nature. Individuals with this intelligence have a deep connection to the natural world and excel in activities such as gardening, farming, and working with animals.
- Existential Intelligence: The ability to contemplate and understand deep philosophical and existential questions. People with this intelligence have a strong sense of curiosity about the meaning of life, death, and the universe.
Multiple intelligences definitions. Verbal/Linguistic intelligence, Logical/ mathematical intelligence, Bodily/ kinaesthetic intelligence, music/ rhythmic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, existential intelligence
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