Multiple Choice

Choose the meaning of the bold word in each passage.
1. The MAGNITUDE of the disaster is hard to imagine. (1 point)
2. The EPICENTER of the 9.0 magnitude quake was under the Indian Ocean near the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra . . . (from “The Deadliest Tsunami in History?”) (1 point)
original source***
point of earth directly above

Identify the complete sentence in each group.
3. (1 point)
Chocolate milk, chocolate fudge, ice cream, and candy.
The average American nearly twelve pounds of chocolate each year.
The scientific name for chocolate is Theobrina cacao.***
Loosely translated to "the food of the gods."
4. (1 point)
Anne E. Kelley, a professor at the University of Wisconsin.
Kelley studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate.***
Including something called phenylethylamine.
May actually prevent several serious diseases.

Identify the sentence in each group that contains a verb phrase for questions 5-6.
5. (1 point)
African violets are an excellent choice for an indoor garden.
These plants are relatively easy to grow.***
They require very little natural light.
You can grow them with artificial lightning.
6. (1 point)
Too much light will actually harm the plants.
It makes the leaves turn pale or yellowish.
The plant actually shrinks under the light.***
Therefore, keep them in a shaded place.

Identify the portion that contains a compound subject.
7. During the 1940s and 1950s, Budd Abbott and Lou Costello were a popular comedy team on
radio, television, and stage. (1 point)
1940s and 1950s
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello
radio, television, and stage

Identify the word that is part of a compound predicate.
8. "The boys," as they were called, amused and delighted audiences everywhere. (1 point)

Identify the fragment.
9. (1 point)
My parents are very strict.
They gave me a 10:00 p.m. curfew.
Even on weekends, holidays, and vacations.***
However, they make exceptions for special occasions.
10. (1 point)
Fred gets his driving permit today.
His older brother will give him driving lessons.
Next year, he can get his regular license.
If he passes the written test and the road test.***

Identify the direct object.
11. The object of the game in soccer is to get the ball into the goal. (1 point)
12. Players usually kick or "head" the ball to their teammates on the field. (1 point)
Read the following sentences. Then answer questions 13–17 regarding the all the capped words.
1) How many U.S. presidents can YOU name?
(2) In the year 2000, U.S. citizens elected the 43rd PRESIDENT.
(3) Some presidents WERE ELECTED more than once.
(4) Franklin Roosevelt, for example, was elected to four terms in OFFICE.
(5) Many citizens would have given HIM their vote again, because he was so
13. In sentence 1, the underlined word is ______. (1 point)
a subject
a predicate
an indirect object
none of the above***
14. In sentence 2, the underlined word is a/an _____. (1 point)
direct object
indirect object
15. In sentence 3, the underlined word is a/an _____. (1 point)
direct object
indirect object

16. In sentence 4, the underlined word is ______. (1 point)
a predicate
a direct object
an indirect object***
none of the above
17. In sentence 5, the underlined word is a/an ______. (1 point)
direct object
indirect object
18. What is a verb phrase in sentance 5?
would have given
Given him***
was so
Would have
19. In sentance 5, the underlined word is a/an______.
Direct object
Indirect object

69 answers

5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 are wrong

7? 19?
Well can you help me? Like I am not sure what a verb phrase really is? Can you help explain that to me?
Lesson 7: language focus: sentence fluency and voice english 9A Unit 2: the forces of nature Language focus Quiz
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. D
12. D
13. A
Use the passage to answer the question
14. A
15. C
16. B
17. D
18. A
19. D
I got 19/19 (100%
ur fav person is correct I got 100%
thankx 100%!!!!!!!!!
-screams- omg thanks for the answers luv y'all <33333
Thx 100%
1. size
2. point of earth directly above
3. the scientific name for chocolate is theobrina cacao
4. kelly studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate
5. you can grow them with artificial lighting
6. too much light will actually harm the plants
7. plants should be watered on a regular basis
8. bud abbott and lou costello
9. delighted
10. even on weekends, holidays, and vacations
11. if he passes the written test and the road test
12. ball
13. ball
use the pssage to answer the questions
14. a subject
15. direct object
16. predicate
17. a prepositional phrase
18. would have given
19. indirect object
100% i promise :)
if you're in honors , person is NOT correct. The answers make no sense lol
1. Magnitude means size. It also means volume, intensity, vastness. In this case, another possible option would be "effect", but it is inaccurate because we don't really see the effect in this sentence. It is theoretically possible to have a huge tornado in a wasteland, with no effect at all.

2. Epicenter means point of earth directly above the earthquake's focus. The focus is also known as hypocenter - the exact underground point where the quake happens. Therefore, epicenter can't be the original source. It is just the point on earth that the earthquake affects the worst.

3. The correct option is The scientific name for chocolate is Theobrina cacao. It is the only option that has a subject and a predicate, two necessary preconditions for a sentence to exist. The first two examples lack predicates, while the last one lacks a subject.

4. You're right, the correct option is Kelley studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate. The first option lacks a predicate, the third lacks both a subject and a predicate, and the last one lacks a subject.

5. You are right, the correct option is You can grow them with artificial lightning. A verb phrase has two definitions: 1) it is a whole unit in a sentence and it may include the object as well; 2) it is composed of verbs only (main, auxiliary, or modal). Your examples demonstrate the first view, and in that case, we have a phrase "can grow" with a modal, semantically incomplete verb "can" and the main verb "grow".

6. This is a tricky one. I believe the correct answer is Too much light will actually harm the plants. The verb phrase is "will harm" (will - auxiliary, harm - main verb). The option you chose looks like it might be the right one, but it isn't because those are actually two predicates - "makes" refers to "it", while "turn" refers to "leaves". Basically, it does something so that the leaves turn pale.

7. The answer is actually Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. A subject tells us WHO does or is something. The first option refers to the time when something happened (adverbial function), the third option refers to the place where something happened (also adverbial function).

8. Yes, the answer is delighted. It is part of the compound predicate "amused and delighted". A compound predicate is composed of two or more verbs that are independent of each other, but both (or all) are needed to describe the action of the subject.

9. You are right, the fragment is Even on weekends, holidays, and vacations. It is a fragment and not a sentence because it doesn't have a predicate and a subject. Of course, we can deduce from the previous sentence that the parents (subject) gave (predicate) me (indirect object) a curfew (direct object) even on weekends, holidays, and vacations (adverbial phrase). But the fragment can't stand on its own.

10. The answer is If he passes the written test and the road test. This fragment could work only as a dependent (subordinate) clause, within a complex sentence (imagine it attached to the previous option and you'll get the idea). Such as it is, it is the only option that can't stand on its own.

11. I believe the correct answer here is none. A direct object would be a noun phrase that tells us who or what is the recipient of the subject's action. Here, we have no recipients whatsoever.

12. The direct object here is ball. It is the recipient of the subject's action. The subject here is "players" (who does the action), the direct object is "ball" (who or what receives or suffers the subject's action), and "teammates" are an indirect object (affected by the subject's action, but not the direct recipient).

13. The correct answer is a subject. "You" is the WHO of the sentence in this case, even if the sentence is interrogative. It can't be a predicate (as predicates are basically verbs that depict an action), nor an indirect object (read the previous answer to see what an indirect object is).

14. The answer is direct object. It tells us who or what is the recipient of the subject's ("U.S. citizens") action. It provides an answer to the question WHOM (Whom did the U.S. citizens elect?)

15. "Were elected" is a predicate. It tells us about the subject's action. In this case, it is passive voice, so the subject and the object changed their places (presidents are those who usually receive the action of being elected, but in this case they are the sentence's grammatical subject).

16. "Office" is actually none of the above. "In office" would be a noun phrase with an adjective function (referring to "terms" and describing what kind of terms). It can't be a predicate (it is not a verb or a part of a verb phrase), direct object (it is not the recipient), or indirect object (it is not an indirect recipient).

17. "Him" is an indirect object. It tells us TO WHOM the citizens would have given their vote ("the citizens" being the subject, and "their vote" being the direct object, a person or a thing that receives the subject's action). It can't be the predicate because it is not a verb.

for honors English
thank you so much hush my child djfdjfk i almost submitted person's answers but i realized there were 19 questions instead of just 17, but when i scrolled down and found this post... it was like god came down and slapped awareness into me and blessed me with your answers -__- 100% correct, 17/17 thnk u sm.. HONORS ONLY BTW!
I Just find it so sad that you se that the minority if people such as miss sue and reed and the majority go the easy route, which is sadly where this world is going too by another 50 years all the children and people will be like this only wanting the easy route to things, its sad to think about
And another thing if ur in honors this comment is directed to you. You dont deserve it, make way for those who deserve the honors position because if your dependent on answers and the fact that your cheating that it self is a disgrace
And many of you will say that why did i come here if i didnt want answers well first of all i came here for what the sit is for tutoring such as people like Ms.sue and reed at the top of this chat list
I only use these kinds apps when I’m behind and I can’t speak for everyone but I can speak for myself. It is very hard to catch up if you miss even one day so using this app helps me and I still learn what I have to because I wouldn’t be able to pass the things I don’t cheat on. I’ve been to both public and online school and I can tell you they’ve both got issues and you will learn things and do things that will never help you later on in life. So stop going around and looking down on people calling them a disgrace when you are no better than anyone of us. You have no idea what people are going through and have no right to shame them if they fail it’s their fault that they couldn’t learn it but I’ve cheated and still learned what I had to in order to pass the grade and that’s what matters.
ur favorite person is right i got 19/19
What are the right answers for English honors
If You're In Honors You Shouldn't Be Cheating
TheWatcher you sound like a extra salty tsukishima in haikyuu

(why did you even come here if you didn't want answers in the first place)
For the 19 question quiz, which answers are correct?
have no idea

i'm taking the 17 question one
Thx ur fav person. u my fav person. ;)
OMG thx ur fav person
Thank you ! It's really nice to have my answers checked over here!
OMGGGGGG THANK YOU SO FRICKIN MUCH hush my child YOU ARE THE BESTTTTTTTTT!!!!! For Honors Eng hush my child is right!!
HUSH MY CHILD YOU ARE THE GREATEST PERSON TO WRITE ON THE PLANET, also I agree with TheKiller because I am behind and the only time I use this site or brainly is when I am behind btw. THANKS
TheWatcter, learn how to be smart then.
What are you doing here, if you so called think you deserve honors English?
Not everyone comes here to cheat, some answer the questions, but wants to check them.
This education/grading system is horrible so it's hard to pass or to keep on going.
It's obvious you're doing the same just like the rest of us, so don't start thinking that you're an intellectual when you're just below.
Anyone can get into honors you just need to get an a or higher, those who you think "works hard to get in here".
Where are they?
That doesn't work that way for us ruining it for other people.
It doesn't make sense, so please do your research before you start spouting nonsense.
The whatcher yes I am cheating but to be far the only reason why I am in honors English in the first place is because I got all As all the way through middle school and I did not cheat one time so I really do think that I Deserve to be in this class even know I need a little more help now because this class is harder to do so please mind your own business and stop making people feel bad for no reason.
At every one who is talking about honors English I can see were you are all coming from on this argument. We all do need to understand that everyone has their reasons for doing things and you don't know what others have been through. I am not trying to be mean or anything so don't take what I am saying the wrong way please.
oh and I checked my answers with Ur favorite Person:-) and they were right so thanks Ur favorite Person:-)
the 18 question one what is the answer
Ur favorite Person:-) Is 100% correct for non honor students btw. Thanks so much have a blessed day. 😇
Ur personal favorite is wrong well for me at least I got 6/18...
i got a 37-
if your in honors hush my child is correct not ur favorite person
hush my child is correct except for the first question
the meaning on magnitude is “size” hopefully this helps!
But like what about 18 question honors.....nvm I’ll just think for the 3rdtimein my life
thanks person you were 100% right
mine only has 17 questions
i'm not even in honors english and i had the 17 question test but thanks to hush my child for the answers! they were 100% right
so if you only have 17 questions does that mean you are in the honors class?
Number 19 is an open response on my end, are the answers still right?
i think so. im doing the same one rn. it seems like all the answers match up.
Hi (Don't come on this website again they can track ur IP and that's very bad) they can see ur location
Lesson 7: language focus: sentence fluency and voice english 9A Unit 2: the forces of nature Language focus Quiz
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. D
12. D
13. A
Use the passage to answer the question
14. A
15. C
16. B
17. D
18. A
19. D
this one is correct for the 19 question quiz not 17 question one. make sure to get some wrong tho so they don't think highly lol
ur favorite person is right 100% thx
For part one, get out a thesaurus.

Q.1 size

Q.2 rubbish

Q.3 au contraire, cache is not money, or a typo. it means to extend. or hide. but i think extend.

Q.4 this one stumped me. who uses words like this anymore?! last time I heard it was 1697. but i think it means indirect? I'm not sure. Don't trust a demon to remember to feed the dog!

Q.5 Ha ha! it gave itself away! but Whatever has to do with horses. ;-) ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

Q.6 Complex Creatures.

Q.7 Second person.

Q.8 B?

Q.9 Again, B.

Q.10 D

Q.11 A. Carbon dioxide (only demons can smoke it. don't try it at home)

Q.12 C. (Al Gore Sucked. So boring.)

Q.13 A. (what you people all are.)

Q.14 D.

Q.15 A.

Q.16 D.

Q.17 C.

Q.18 D?

Q.19 I used Mr. Bashõ, Because i like Haikus. you May have to use something else.

Or, go to The Forces of Nature Unit Test Flashcards | Quizlet, but it will only help with one or two.

I’m in honors and I don’t come here to “cheat” I come here when I have answered my questions and to check my answers. Most of the time I only miss one or two. Stop saying I don’t “deserve” honors English. I tested for it and I’m smart.
Ur fav person and person are correct for 17 questions quiz. 2021 language focus quiz to be exact.
i got a 58% :( if you have 17 questions like I did, don't use the 19 question answers except for on the first few.

1. The magnitude of the disaster is hard to imagine.
(1 pt) size
(0 pts) pain
(0 pts) debris
(0 pts) effect

2. The epicenter of the 9.0 magnitude quake was under the Indian Ocean near the west coast of
the Indonesian island of Sumatra . . . (from “The Deadliest Tsunami in History?”)

(0 pts) size
(0 pts) original source
(1 pt) point of earth directly above
(0 pts) power

Identify the complete sentence in each group.
(0 pts) Chocolate milk, chocolate fudge, ice cream, and candy.
(0 pts) The average American nearly twelve pounds of chocolate each year.
(1 pt) The scientific name for chocolate is Theobrina cacao.
(0 pts) Loosely translated to "the food of the gods."

(0 pts) Anne E. Kelley, a professor at the University of Wisconsin.
(1 pt) Kelley studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate.
(0 pts) Including something called phenylethylamine.
(0 pts) May actually prevent several serious diseases.

Identify the sentence in each group that contains a verb phrase.
(0 pts) African violets are an excellent choice for an indoor garden.
(0 pts) These plants are relatively easy to grow.
(0 pts) They require very little natural light.
(1 pt) You can grow them with artificial lightning.

(1 pt) Too much light will actually harm the plants.
(0 pts) It makes the leaves turn pale or yellowish.
(0 pts) The plant actually shrinks under the light.
(0 pts) Therefore, keep them in a shaded place.

7. During the 1940s and 1950s, Budd Abbott and Lou Costello were a popular comedy team on
radio, television, and stage.

(0 pts) 1940s and 1950s
(1 pt) Bud Abbott and Lou Costello
(0 pts) radio, television, and stage
(0 pts) none

8. "The boys," as they were called, amused and delighted audiences everywhere.
(0 pts) were
(0 pts) called
(1 pt) delighted
(0 pts) none

(0 pts) My parents are very strict.
(0 pts) They gave me a 10:00 p.m. curfew.
(1 pt) Even on weekends, holidays, and vacations.
(0 pts) However, they make exceptions for special occasions.

(0 pts) Fred gets his driving permit today.
(0 pts) His older brother will give him driving lessons.
(0 pts) Next year, he can get his regular license.
(1 pt) If he passes the written test and the road test.

11. The object of the game in soccer is to get the ball into the goal.

(0 pts) object
(0 pts) soccer
(0 pts) goal
(1 pt) none

12. Players usually kick or "head" the ball to their teammates on the field.

(1 pt) ball
(0 pts) teammates
(0 pts) field
(0 pts) none

Read the following sentences. Then answer questions 14-18 regarding the underlined words.
1) How many U.S. presidents can you name? (2) In the year 2000, U.S. citizens elected the 43rd president. (3) Some presidents were elected more than once. (4) Franklin Roosevelt, for example, was elected to four terms in office. (5) Many citizens would have given him their vote again, because he was so popular.
13. In sentence 1, the underlined word is ______.
(1 pt) a subject
(0 pts) a predicate
(0 pts) an indirect object
(0 pts) none of the above

14. In sentence 2, the underlined word is a/an _____.
(0 pts) subject
(0 pts) predicate
(1 pt) direct object
(0 pts) indirect object

15. In sentence 3, the underlined word is a/an _____.

(0 pts) subject
(1 pt) predicate
(0 pts) direct object
(0 pts) indirect object

16. In sentence 4, the underlined word is ______.

(0 pts) a predicate
(0 pts) a direct object
(0 pts) an indirect object
(1 pt) none of the above

17. In sentence 5, the underlined word is a/an ______.
(0 pts) subject
(0 pts) predicate
(0 pts) direct object
(1 pt) indirect object

Ur Welcome!!
Jonas Hernandez is correct for the version with only 17 questions. Thank you so much by the way.
Jonas is right 100% here
i'm only cheating cuz all mt siblings are geniuses and my dad yells at me if i get below am A🤩
what abt the unit tst?
your fav person is 100% correct
The Watcher, I agree with you about cheating (I'm not in honors btw), but at the same time some people (like me) come here to check their answers, or come here because they are really far behind (like me I'm 36 behind and need to finish by May 17th, which is 7 days) and have a very soon deadline. So I under stand where you are coming from, but at the same time, maybe you should find out other peoples situation before you say something, because I'm pretty sure that's why they think your talking trash. 🥱😮‍💨🧐
Joshua is right!
My favorite person is still correct<3
I'm not in honors, but I know damn well I don't need any of this stuff in the future. You guys can say whatever, but I didn't want to have this life. I'm only cheating because I hate this school.
I'm 'taking the easy route' because I won't need most of this in the future, I know enough about the topic. I work hard day in and day out. I'm not a failure for cheating, I didn't ask to be put under a ty education system. America is as broken enough as it is, I know 'TheWatcher' is probably an adult by now.. But this is to everyone else looking this up now.
luv yall
I would like to clear some truth here because it feels very likely that people use this site to spread mis information (e.g: wrong answers) and when students come here to check their work, they end up with something totally different. So I'm going to tell you the real(probably) answers for the QUIZ FOR UNIT 2 LESSON 7 LANGUAGE FOCUS QUIZ.


if these answers are incorrect in any way, dont use them, the only purpose for these answers is to provide the most accurate answers so you can "check your work"


I hate this stupid school
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