Multi-Flow Map Questions: Respond to the following question in 3-4 sentences in your own words using the RAD method.

1. Based on your Multi-Flow Map what were the causes of the War of 1812?

Restate the question or prompt in statement form.

Give an answer to the question or prompt with your own words.

Add details and examples to support to your answer.


Cause 1: The most outspoken War Hawk was Henry Clay of Kentucky. Clay wanted to punish Britain for seizing American ships

Cause 2: While Madison did not want war, other Americans were not as cautious.

Cause 3: War Hawks felt that Britain was treating the United States as if it were still a British colony. They were willing to fight a war to defend American rights.

3 answers

The causes of the War of 1812 were Henry Clay's desire to punish Britain for seizing American ships, the more aggressive approach taken by other Americans, and the belief among War Hawks that Britain was treating the United States as if it were still a British colony. Henry Clay, as the most outspoken War Hawk, played a significant role in advocating for war. Additionally, while President Madison was initially reluctant to engage in war, there were other Americans who were less cautious and eager for military action. Ultimately, the War Hawks believed that a war was necessary to defend American rights against British mistreatment.
Narrow that down to 3-4 sentences
The causes of the War of 1812 were Henry Clay's desire to punish Britain for seizing American ships, the more aggressive approach taken by other Americans, and the belief among War Hawks that Britain was treating the United States as if it were still a British colony. Henry Clay, as the most outspoken War Hawk, played a significant role in advocating for war. There were Americans who were less cautious and eager for military action, even if President Madison initially hesitated. The War Hawks believed a war was necessary to defend American rights against British mistreatment.