Ms. Sue, you told me last time to search up my college to see what courses are required for hygienist, and so this is what I got.

2. The course choices that I make today lead to the fulfillment of this dream by them providing all the knowledge that I need to know to become what I want. Courses which will help me become an effective and satisfied hygienist are English, Biology, Chemistry, Physiology, Statistics, etc. Courses which will help me become a successful physician are the basics of science. They are Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

Ms. Sue should I also include some of the information you gave me last time, or does it seem to be fine like it is?

2 answers

It depends upon whether you're planning your high school or college courses.

The classes you've listed are fine for your high school curriculum. You'll get the more technical classes when you are in college.

Incidentally -- you will not be a physician in five years. If you plan to become an MD -- then you'll still be in college then.
Thank you