Ms Sue. you once created this one for me.


First paragraph:
1. Choose two different groups of people discussed in the book.
2. Find more information about these two groups. You must use the UMUC online library or research at the UMUC library. Do not use other online sources.

Second paragraph:
3. Compare the two groups' beliefs and practices in at least one topic. You can choose any of the topics listed in this paragraph. For instance, kinship means families -- so you could compare what makes up a family in each of these cultures. Is it just mother, father, and children? Does it include aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc.?

Third paragraph
4. Which ideas and practices of your two groups are common to everyone? For instance, all cultures consider a mother and her children a family. Do the cultures you've studied believe a family is much more than that?

If you post the names of the two groups you want to study and the beliefs and practices you're writing about, we'll be glad to help you understand more about your assignment.


That really helped me :)


I am writing about their Marital customs. Indian marriages planning, what they do on marriage day, after marriage etc. same with Chinese. Am i going on right path?

Can you help me with marital customs of chinese and indian culture. :) thanks

Yes. You're on the right path. :-) You can follow my above suggestions for your paper about Indian and Chinese marital customs.

These websites have a lot of information for you.