Ms. Sue we learned about the Victorian Era, and the three main things we learned about were the fashion and decor/ the Science and technology/ and the Leisure--Travel.
I have to write an essay which covers all these three things, and Im posting it on here, could you please proofread it, I referred to my text for all the information.
--Its just really hard to start the introduction, I kind of wanted to mention about all those three main things, but this is what I ended up doing....
The Victorian Era:
The Vicorian Era was packed with
amusement, hardships, and consisted of
a flow of different emotions.
Queen Victoria came to the throne in
1837 and reigned until 1901. Her
tastes, values, and behaviour set the
degree of excellence. The Victorian's
ideals, completed their own beliefs
about morals, hardwork, success in
business, and power. They had
"attitude" and had no doubts about
their values and beliefs. People of
this era were not really proud of their
own achievements, and had a serious
nature. The Victorian Era became really
hopeful about the future as Queen
Victoria's husband died. The British
empire grew larger and stronger, and
soon new discoveries were being made,
which all led to the growth of
Victorian Age.
Fashion played a big role in the lives
of the Victorians. Clothig indicated
Social Status and Victorian Values.
The wealthy dressed really well, the
men wore long jackets, high stiff
collars, and the women wore long
dresses made from fine cloth with
high collars to protect their skin from
the sun. Lower calss people were known
as tans as they worked outstide and had
dark skin. No one supported the lower
class. The rich professionals and
merchants lived in large houses which
showed how much importance they held
in the community. These large houses,
held large families, which consisted of
grandparents, relatives, and servants.
To keep warm, the homes were usually
heated with coal or wood fireplaces.
Small rooms stored more heat. The
wealthy were fond of heavy, decorated
furniture, heavy curtains, and
knick-knacks. Many of them left a lot
of unnecessary and useless things in
an untidy state. The poor could not
afford these luxurious things and lived
in small houses in the poor sections
of town or country. Science and
technology brought a very powerful
change to the Western World after 1860.
During the 19th Century, individuals
came in shock as Scientists and
inventors made discovery after
discovery. It almost seemed magical,
as new idead shone and sprung out at
rapid paces. It was confusing for the
illiterate people, as they couldn't
understand what was happening.
Scientists figured and found out
how some diseases came about. They each
had their own theories. Literate
people took deep interest in Science
and its future. As empires, and trade
networks grew, people came into
contact with new, and unexpected forms
of life.
The news of these discoveries were
published in newspapers, and written
in journals. Journalists often mixed
facts and opinions to get the public
curious. Medical discoveries had
been made throughout the 19th century.
It wasn't until the second half of
this century that Aspirin, Antibiotic,
Antispectics, etc. were discovered.
Vaccinations became available to
ordinary people during this Era as
well, unlike before. Science was
exciting and scary. It was exciting
as it uncovered mysteries, and scary
as those mysteries consisted of
danger. Not much people had access to
reliable information and news reports.
Individuals who lived far waya from
towns and villages had no idea what was
going around; they were less aware.
Science was a hope for many people as
they wished to find cures for the
serious and deadly diseases that gave
suffering to the civilization.
Diseases like Chloera, smallpox,
Typhoid fever, influenza, and
tuberculosis were common. They took
lives of millions of folks in
the 19th century. Children were most
likely to be affected to Rheumatic
and Scarlet fevers. Child birth was
very risky as women died in result.
Not much was known about diseases
at this point. Until germs and
antiseptics were revealed, doctors
gave patients infections during
operations. Surgeons did big operations
without washing their instruments and
occasionally their hands. Operating
rooms were very filthy, and smoking in
them was common. Many germs were
uncovered in a patient's body, it was
amazing to see how they survived
the surgery, as there weren't high
chances of them recovering. In 1857,
the French scentist, Louis Pasteur
discovered that bacilli was what
caused many diseases. He also found
out what caused Anthrax, Chloera, and
Rabies. he used Carbolic acid
and gave individuals vaccination
against the diseases. He didn't become
wealthy in his life, despite being so
educated; he chose to lead a simple and
sweet life. He found happiness in his
Boredom didn't exist during the
Victorian Era, there was so much
entertainment around which didn't
involve technology. In the cities,
parties, concerts, fairs, circuses,
and shows took place. The country
was full of excitement as well.
There were barn raisings, quilting
bees, weddings, celidhs, barn dances,
and other fun things were freely
available. Books and magazines were
widely read, and Charles Dickens's
stories were also serialized.
They had a lot of amusing things to do,
but many of their amusements were
thought of as strange and cruel.
Sport were really popular, such as
Swimming, bear-baiting, dog-and-bull
fighting, and bare-knuckle boxing.
Bare-knuckle boxing drew a lot of
people. Marquis of queensbury was the
one to issue rules on this sport, and
make it more appropriate. He
suggested boxing gloves, and limited
the duration of rounds. These sets of
customs and rules were applied to the
game. Medicine shows were also loved.
The patent medicines were sold, and
were promised to cure anything, which
infact worsened conditions of all
folks. It either made them drunk or
made them vomit.
Jobs were easily found for the disabled
an the sideshows.
The disabled people got money as
they showed their handicaps to other
Back in the Victorian Age, there was no
Television, radio, movies, videos, or
recorded music, therefore people
gave themselves entertainment by
making their own music, holding dances,
talking, and playing Parlour games.
Card games were also popular such as
whist. Checkers and chess were also
played. Young people met eachother at
large gatherings, and played these
games. Social status didn't hold
importance for the children, they were
each accepted in the groups.
The old games were passed down through
generations, different cultures
created different games, which were
played by everyone.
The victorian Era passed down an
oppurtunity to travel for enjoyment.
Individuals that had money to spend
travelled to places like Europe
and America when they could.
Lots of experiences were faced, such
as nighlife, parties, etc.
The invention of the steamboat brought
another joy to the era, as people
could cross the atlantic with it
and embark on other adventures. The
steamboats provided luxurious cabins
and recreation facilities.
Land travel was possible with the
invention of the new steam locomotives.
It was an oppurtunity for the poor to
travel and have fun as well. The
railways had timetables which all
individuals were bound to follow.
A train could arrive late, and not
On the whole, the Victorian Era was
like a motion picture which contained
action, horror, and excitement.
5 answers
I'm sure you'll want to change this sentence. People were NOT hopeful when Prince Albert died.
"The Victorian Era became really hopeful about the future as Queen Victoria's husband died."
You have some typos. Go back and reread this slowly to find them.
Is this sentence better, Im trying to say it from a different context.
This essay isnt too long, is it? Like are there parts in here which I could cut, or not?
Yes, the essay could be cut. Edit it carefully to get rid of the redundancies.