Ms. Sue was a kind, gentle, and good person that I had the privilege of knowing through this webpage. I have been a tutor for about 12 years on here, and was always impressed by the patient and competent way she helped students.
You will be missed
83 answers
Rest in peace Ms. Sue.
What happened? Did she just stop working on this page? Is she okay?
Ms. Sue passed away this morning. This is hard for all of us to fathom.
traz, She died.
it hurts.
Is this real!? I am sad :( I'm sure she was a really great person
rip man this sucks
She will be missed. She will be remembered. It is a sad day.
R.I.P Ms. Sue. You will be missed and love, thank you for helping me on this page.
you will be missed
you will be missed
you will be missed Ms. Sue at least you not getting bullied...... NO IM NOT CRYING...... who am I kidding I am crying...
I hope her family is doing good, as with everyone else. I'm not worried about her, she's in heaven! (How much do you wanna bet she's going to be the patron saint of tutors?
Nice knowing you Ms. Sue
I wish her family the best 🙏🙏🙏
R.I.P. Ms. Sue
Hey she was mean and strict sometimes but...she really didn't deserve this i wish her family The best and i'm sending prayers R.I.P
Ms.Sue you were a great Tutor ,even tho i didn't know you that well, you helped us all very much. Thank you for helping us. 😔 RIP
Rest In Peace, Ms. Sue. We all wish you good luck. ;)
I am in shock
Ms sue u were a great tutor I will miss you
Ms sue u were a great tutor I will miss you
that is really sad to hear :.( im crying
no mean comments?
Goodbye Miss Sue you will be missed. She was like a mother to me
Dang, never really got to know her, but I always saw that she liked helping people, this is so sad
Ms sue...
You were always there for us. u always helped us. And we thank you. we will miss u ms sue
You were always there for us. u always helped us. And we thank you. we will miss u ms sue
mrs.sue always was ready to help me
noooo, ms sue was so helpful and kind ;-; she deserved a lot more time T-T u will be missed ms sue
Aww man I didn’t know! I’m so sorry for her, she could be strict at times but never meant any harm. All she wanted to do was help! She will be missed
Mrs. Sue!!! We love you soooo muchhh!!!! Thank you for helping us!!!! We all miss you sooo much!!!!!! I'm sorry you had to do rip :(
I will miss Mrs. Sue, she helped me so many times understanding the concepts. I hope she is in a good place and that her soul is at rest and that her family is ok. Sometimes we take things for granted. At least the bullying will stop.
R.I.P Ms. Sue hope her family is doing good.
be quiet "needs help" you probably cheat on here any way.
Are you sure? Your name is fake, that not even how you spell Margaret. You fake with a fake name!! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RIP ms sue
@ Margret James. Wow, you are so mean. Why would you say something like that? Why wold you say that to anyone? Wow just wow. Ms Sue was a great tutor. Your are pretty mean for a 9-10 year old.
Margret James i hope your happy
Miss.Sue. was a great tutor 😞😞
Miss.Sue. was a great tutor 😞😞
Mrs Sue was very helpful and kind, I would not eye-roll her.
Connections academy
Oh, no I am not in that school.
Ok um idk then
I am in the vibe school system.
Oh is it online school?
ms. sue helped so many kids and then every one posted answers and others started cheating
thats sad. natural causes?
marggie baby dont embarrass yourself honey your not superior. maybe try getting help instead of disrespecting someone death. also not you thinking that ur funny with all those dislikes. embarrassing lmao. @margret james
wait... what? are u for real?
Rest in peace Ms. Sue 😢
i just found out about this. its so heartbreaking. mrs. sue was such a caring thoughtful person. she will be remembered. it it wasnt for her i would've failed every single one of my classes. rest in piece mrs.sue. you will be missed. thank you for everything. this is absolutely shattering. my heart hurts for you.
poor mrs. sue. those rude people that are impersonating her dont deserve to have accounts.
Thank you Ms. Sue. You helped us a lot and got me through many tests. RIP.
Never really met and had helped from Ms. Sue, but I see that she helped lots of students. Hope that she got good health and nice life in the afterlife
R.I.P Ms. Sue we will all miss you! I never got to meet her but I saw she helped a lot of people in her time of living, and I wish i could say thank you for being so kind! But she is in a better place now.
i thought she was still alive-
i thought she was still alive-
We will miss you
rest in peace :(
Ms. sue😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😦😦😦😱😱😱😭😭😭 R.I.P I miss you so much even tho i never met you irl
R.IP. Ms. Sue that is so sad she was always helping kids when they didn't know the answer. I just wanna say thank you for helping me out when I needed it the most. At least you're in a better place now.
don't pay any attention to any rude, mean, or disrespectful replies, they are just spoiled BRATS that feel like they haven't gotten enough attention at home.
Miss. Sue we still miss you you got almost all of us to the end of the year with good grades. Rest in peace.
@Mrs. Sue you are not the real mrs. sue stop posing you 8 yr old -.-
R.I.P Mrs. Sue :_(
R.I.P Mrs. Sue :_(
Yes Mrs. Sue Will Be Missed I've Know Her Ever Since We Met In 4th Grade, I Will Miss Her So Much. She Helped Me Get Through Things That No One Else Would've Gotten Through Without Help. Rest In Piece Mrs. Sue.
RIP ms.sue
i never realy got to get to know mrs sue but i do known she was very nice
rip ms.sue
rip ms.sue
rip ms sue
idk who to belive ;-;
(sorry , I'm rushing to type).
(sorry , I'm rushing to type).
May her memory still live with all of us.
You will be missed...
You will be missed...
Uhm she ded?
poor soul. i never knew her but I've seen how she helped other students out always. rip ms sue
@margret James there was no need to be rude. We're here for Ms.Sue you could have said nothing and been peaceful yet you come here and have been disrespectful we're here mourning for Ms.Sue. And lots of us are here for help not to cheat don't be so fast to assume why we're here and I bet you're here cheating. And R.I.P Ms. Sue she was always very helpful. I have A's and B's with the help of her help. We miss you!
wHoS mS sUe-
I know that I'm late but I didn't join Connexus till this year and I just started using this last week. I saw a lot of Ms. Sue messages and she helped me but today I'm just now figuring out that she died. It is sad to hear that and may she Rest In Peace And Paradise. We love you Ms. Sue!
R.I.P Ms. Sue
rip ms sue
This is unfortunate. Rest Easy :(
Rip ms sue ur explanations helped me greatly
At least Ms. Sue is now a Martyr in the eyes of helpless students. *sniff*
Mrs. Sue solos
skill issue mrs Mrs. Sue
RIP Ms.Sue
Let's take a moment to bestow blessedness upon Ms. Sue's soul. RIP Ms. Sue, you will be missed.