ms. sue un diubg research on species great blue heron and i need to gather info about description of species including both sexes and also their younger life stages for animals, i cant find info on this site sararegistry

is that info here anywhere?

The Great Blue Heron flies with deep, slow wingbeats, its neck folded in an S-shape and its head pressed between its shoulders. Its long, slender digits are partially webbed. Plumage is mostly a blue-grey colour, and adults have a white crown with a black stripe extending from the yellow eyes to slender black plumes at the back of the head. Its breast is white streaked with black. The Great Blue Heron fannini subspecies is smaller and darker in colour than the Great Blue Heron herodias subspecies. It also differs in its reproductive behaviour and its reproductive physiology; in particular, it has a smaller clutch size.

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