Ms Sue, please check my answers?
1. Overall drug use among adolescents has decreased in the U.S since 1976? False
2. Tobacco is the only drug category used more by 8th graders than 12th graders? False
3. The high rate of adolescent crime is caused by a few very active delinquents? True
4. Cultural attitudes toward suicide can influence suicide rates? True
5. Suicide attempts are more common in adolescence than in young adulthood? False
6. Genetic vulnerability is a contributing cause of depression during adolescence? True
7. The rate of clinical depression is higher for teenage boys than it is for teenage girls? False
8. A teen who is exhibiting signs of depression but no other problems or illness is known to be in a comorbid state? False
9. Most adolescent voters affiliate strongly with one poliitical party over another? False
10. An identity status that is considered to be a more mature response to identity explorations is moratorium. True
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