it be this one:
h t t p : / / imageshack . us/photo/my-images/850/theyellowwallpaper . j p g /
ms. sue my sister make account on here and i post site where i put my questions but my post not post.
14 answers
i write in my other post that these be other questions i get for yellow wallpaper and i write my answers to them soon, you please able to edit my answers? my answers be not that making sense, if u able to edit thank you soo much. i post them in while.
I'm sorry, but I can't access the imageshack site.
Yes, I'll edit your answers.
Yes, I'll edit your answers.
that alright ms. sue i hope u be able to access this site i put it on different site this time. i add spaces in between the link cause i not be able to post on here.
h t t p : // . j p e g
h t t p : // . j p e g
I still couldn't get it. Sorry.
ms. sue most questions be hard for me, all of them be tricky so you please check if i do it write a few questions i just not get but i give try to most. here my answers.
i not know if i get first few questions right where it say what be forshadowing i also not know if there be any other literary devices used to draw our attention to certain words.
h t t p : // . j p e g
i not know if i get first few questions right where it say what be forshadowing i also not know if there be any other literary devices used to draw our attention to certain words.
h t t p : // . j p e g
then i post them on here but ms. sue i try and paste site in adress bar without spaces and it be working for me. but if u not get it then i post on here.
Please post them here.
i try this way, this what this other person do on jiskha.
i try this way, this what this other person do on jiskha.
ms. sue if u still not get this way i did it, then i be posting them here.
Still no luck.
Please post them.
Please post them.
1. it ask to give example of personifcation and forshadowing starting on pg. 11. Page 11 start from sentence - "It is stripped off - the paper - in great patches all around the head of my bed. Pg. 11 end with sentence. "at first he meant to repaper the room . . .
examples of personification :
"one of those sprawlin flamboyant patterns commiting every srtistic sin. "
"and when you follow the lane uncertain curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide - plunge off at outrageous angles, destroy themselves in unheard of contradictions."
2. find other literary devices that be used to draw our attention to certain words: alliteration, anaphora, forshadowing. i not know what anaphora be in story, i only find alliteration and simile.
simile: "and it is like a woman stooping down and creeping abt behind that pattern."
narrator be comparing patterns in wallpaper to woman. (herself?)
alliteration: so i take phosphates or pospites.
i write other questions and answers in next post.
examples of personification :
"one of those sprawlin flamboyant patterns commiting every srtistic sin. "
"and when you follow the lane uncertain curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide - plunge off at outrageous angles, destroy themselves in unheard of contradictions."
2. find other literary devices that be used to draw our attention to certain words: alliteration, anaphora, forshadowing. i not know what anaphora be in story, i only find alliteration and simile.
simile: "and it is like a woman stooping down and creeping abt behind that pattern."
narrator be comparing patterns in wallpaper to woman. (herself?)
alliteration: so i take phosphates or pospites.
i write other questions and answers in next post.
Your answers are right.
thanks very much ms. sue there be any other literary devices I miss?