Ms. Sue My paragraph is almost done. I did it on Microsoft Word. Also where would I put the contributions of these women, I really don't know where to put them, can you please help.
French women have always been politically active in times of disasters. They were the ones in charge for putting bread on the table, and during times of poverty, such as starvation, when bread was out of stock or worth a lot. However even in their toughest times; these women managed to survive and confront everything. The women helped with the French Revolution by demanding an end to bread shortage, and high prices of bread, by confronting the National Assembly and the king. Charlotte Corday helped with the French Revolution by sparing some Girondins from execution. Jeanne Roland helped with the French Revolution by establishing the republic, and ending the monarchy. The women also helped storm the Bastille. They took the king and queen to Paris where they and other royals were later beheaded. They also spoke out in favour of Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite.
8 answers
Also please correct any sentences, that don't make sense, or that are messed up.
This is great, Sara. You've included the individual women in a good place.
really, have I also added the women's contributions in this paragraph as well?
One more thing, is there any ohter way I can end this paragraph.
If you know what Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite mean, then it's a great way to end your paragraph.
French women have always been politically active in times of disasters. They were the ones in charge for putting bread on the table, and during times of poverty, such as starvation, when bread was out of stock or worth a lot. However even in their toughest times; these women managed to survive and confront everything. The women helped with the French Revolution by demanding an end to bread shortage, and high prices of bread, by confronting the National Assembly and the king. Charlotte Corday helped with the French Revolution by sparing some Girondins from execution. Jeanne Roland helped with the French Revolution by establishing the republic, and ending the monarchy. The women also helped storm the Bastille. They took the king and queen to Paris where they and other royals were later beheaded. They also spoke out in favour of Liberte, Fraternite, and Egalite, a french for Liberty, fraternity, and equality.
Is this a good paragraph?
Yes. It's very good. Turn it in and I hope you get an A.