Ms. Sue I'd like to thank you again for helping me and I am in need of help right now.
As you know I have completed my summary, but now I need help presenting it. My classmates and I have to present this infront of the teacher.
This is the criteria:
1. introduce yourself
2.title of article
3. newspaper it came from
4. who, what, where, when, why
5. opinion on choice of article(what about the article interests you)
6. what are your thoughts on subject chosen
My presentation: My name is Austin and the title of my article is Vavenby wants time for mines before school closed. The newspaper it came from is the Kamloops Daily newspaper. Who= Vavenby school board trustees, what= The board is closing the school and trying to maintain their budget, where= Vavenby, British Columbia, Canada, when= this year, why= because the mill has shut down and people are moving away.
Ms. Sue I need help with the rest.
#5, and # 6.
3 answers
i'll workk on #6 and let you knoe, but can you please add some more detail in #5, thanks