Ms. Sue I responded back to my previous question, may you please have a moment to look at it, thanks

9 answers

I beleive my thoughts did decieve me.

Did the immigrants have a good effect on Canada?
What does your book say?
Although many people moved from the countryside to the cities, many others emigrated to overseas colonies, such as Canada. They saw little oppurtunity in the overcrowded and impoverished cities of Britain. The colonies, on the other hand, seemed to offer an escape from poverty, the class system, and the factory life. The colonies were promoted by the governemnt and by land speculators as places with great potential for honest, hard-working people. Immigrants had to endure great hardship and misery before they had any kind of success in the colonies.
Now, put that in your own words.
This info was under the heading--Population on the move

There are two other heading--The irish potato famine and the clearances
The highland clearances and the Irish potato famine had a good effect on canada. The immigrants joined in and became parts of the colonies. They began to increase profits for Canada's colonies.
really? Do you want me to add more to this or is it good?