Ms. Sue,

I have to do a paper on mitigation strategies and solutions.

Detailed description of the problem.
Nonliving and living factors that contribute to or are affected by the problem
positive or negative human impacts
evaluation of current sustainability
Benefits and challenges of your plan
required government, societal, and golbal support.

two of my sources should be peer-reviewed.

Please help. today is my birthday.


4 answers

Happy birthday! While you wait for MsSue to respond, I have a few comments.

What is the problem you have chosen? What has to be mitigated? What is your plan? These are things you will have to decide.

Most articles in journals are peer-reviewed. You will need to cite some references of that type when you write your paper.
I have chosen energy conservation.
Happy birthday, Rose. :-)

The nonliving factors are the fossil fuels we are depleting. The living factors are that at this time, humans are dependent upon fossil fuels for heat and electricity.

Please follow DrWLS's suggestions and repost when you've found some of the answers.

I'll be gone for a couple of days, but, as you know, several other teachers will be glad to help you.
Thanks a lot Ms. Sue.