Ms Sue I am stuck between these 2 topics:
Social anxiety or overpopulation?
9 answers
For social anxiety what be a good research site?
I need to come up with two-part title : consisting of an allusive phrase that indirectly relates to topic and an explanatory phrase that directly conveys the topic.
It's really hard to come up with one so this be fine?
"Contact with fear": Difference between social anxiety and shyness
It's really hard to come up with one so this be fine?
"Contact with fear": Difference between social anxiety and shyness
I think overpopulation would be better.
Okay thank you soo much!! I will do it on overpopulation :D
You're very welcome.
For overpopulation I can't think of allusive phrase
Perhaps you use a modest proposal.
This refers to Jonathan Swift's satiric essay. He proposed eating Irish children because their parents were too poor to raise them.
This refers to Jonathan Swift's satiric essay. He proposed eating Irish children because their parents were too poor to raise them.
I had small question in my essay should I just focus on the negative impact of overpopulation or bring in some solutions too?
I suggest you bring in some solutions. You might discuss China's one-child policy. It dramatically brought China's hugely growing population under control. At the same time, it infringed on people's right and posed many other problems.
Also -- increasing a family's standard of living also tends to lower the birth rate.
Also -- increasing a family's standard of living also tends to lower the birth rate.