I think the author ends with "the sight of my own particular eyes" to make it clear that this is her own personal view.
The author begins with opposites to show the conflicting points of view she holds about her prairie town.
Yes -- about the words. The appeal to our sense of hearing.
What can you visualize in paragraph 4?
ms. sue for story yesterday i hve these other questions
why does author end with "eyes"
because she experience everything with them?
why does author begin with pair of opposites in paragraph 1?
i not get this one
what do the words "wodges, clonk, cannon forth hve effect?
they just be sound words and they hve hve feeling effect?
pick out 3 paragraphs that develop this essay mainly through description. which one best and mostly strongly convery flavor of author childhood?
the three paragraph be 4, 17, 6?
the one mostly strongly tell abt her childhood be 4? i not get what be best images this paragraph point out, and what it contribute?
16 answers
thanks very much ms. sue :)
in paragraph 4 she tell about excitement she have riding horses. she tell about mocassins squeaking and slithering on the hard rutted snow of the roads.. she tell about adventure she have.
in paragraph 4 she tell about excitement she have riding horses. she tell about mocassins squeaking and slithering on the hard rutted snow of the roads.. she tell about adventure she have.
Right. This paragraph is full of images of children having fun.
ms. sue yesterday you say that author compare her town to nation as whole, that be because she tell about oddities?
What be three characterisitics of her home town that she see later in her nation? Or even in world as whole? Refer to a passage to show each comparison.
I not get this one
What be three characterisitics of her home town that she see later in her nation? Or even in world as whole? Refer to a passage to show each comparison.
I not get this one
what important role do paragraphs 12-14 play in classifying the argument?
It tell to respect your land and not call it dull?
It tell to respect your land and not call it dull?
What be total effect of images in paragraph 4? I not get what this means, it just tell about surroundings.
There is figure of speech in paragraph 3 “sea of land” and in paragraph 4 the prairie becomes “white dazzling deserts” what be five other figures of speech in story, tell impact of each .
There be symbolism in paragraph 17. The crescenting of a fish stand for happiness, it stand for food and wealth. The sun represent new dawn. The sand ripples she sees on top of water be because she see things differently.
I not know what be other figure of speech in story.
There is figure of speech in paragraph 3 “sea of land” and in paragraph 4 the prairie becomes “white dazzling deserts” what be five other figures of speech in story, tell impact of each .
There be symbolism in paragraph 17. The crescenting of a fish stand for happiness, it stand for food and wealth. The sun represent new dawn. The sand ripples she sees on top of water be because she see things differently.
I not know what be other figure of speech in story.
"What be three characterisitics of her home town that she see later in her nation? Or even in world as whole? Refer to a passage to show each comparison.
I not get this one"
What is the same about her town and Canada? One is that they are not dull and boring. What other answers can you find?
Paragraph 4 begins "In winter . . ."
Your answers for 17 are great!
I not get this one"
What is the same about her town and Canada? One is that they are not dull and boring. What other answers can you find?
Paragraph 4 begins "In winter . . ."
Your answers for 17 are great!
other characteristics be of her hometown and nation that they not be cruel it have Beautiful nature, oddities of place be endless.
paragraph 4 be personification when it personify the moccasins. there be any similes? alliterations?
i have my other questions above
paragraph 4 be personification when it personify the moccasins. there be any similes? alliterations?
i have my other questions above
You'll find several examples of alliteration if you look only at the first letter of two words.
traced there during the night by unseen artists of the wind
traced there during the night by unseen artists of the wind
thank you ms. sue :)
ms. sue yesterday you say that author compare her town to nation as whole, that be because she tell about oddities?
ms. sue yesterday you say that author compare her town to nation as whole, that be because she tell about oddities?
She tells about the oddities, but also the problems and good things. She illustrates this when a man in another part of the country tells her that he once worked for her father. She brings up the ancestors of many Canadians who settled around the country.
thank you very much ms. sue :)
it ask what important role do paragraphs 12-14 play in classifying the argument?
It tell to respect your land and not call it dull?
it ask what important role do paragraphs 12-14 play in classifying the argument?
It tell to respect your land and not call it dull?
You're very welcome, Mohammad.
Yes you're right about classifying the argument.
Yes you're right about classifying the argument.
it ask What be total effect of images in paragraph 4?
for this it be that it give picture of winter in prairies.
also these be the other characteristics of her hometown and nation that they not be cruel it have Beautiful nature, oddities of place be endless?
for this it be that it give picture of winter in prairies.
also these be the other characteristics of her hometown and nation that they not be cruel it have Beautiful nature, oddities of place be endless?
thank you very much ms. sue for helping me :)