ms. sue for my mental illness story i be writing, what narration I use? teacher say i can use same one in yellow wallpaper or come up with own unique style. I not know what be better than first-person narration? I think of third person narration but i not know if i be able to do this. i before thinking of doing mental illness story on gender identity disorder (transgender) because i recently learn about them and maybe throught third person i mention how i feel about it, but then i not know if i be able to do it. but i have to do this creative writing piece as character who be stepping into mental illness, so i not know how third person work here.

3 answers

Ms. Sue is having computer problems presently.

If I were you, I'd write this from 3rd person omniscient point of view. Have you studied the different points of view in your English class?

If you need help understanding what that means (3rd person omniscient), go to and search for NARRATIVE MODE. The contents are in a box toward the left side of the page. Click on 2.4.3 3rd person omniscient and read about it.

Let us know what you think.
Being trans isn’t a personality disorder tho?????
transvestites btfo