Hi Shayna,
A singular subject always has a singular verb. A plural subject always has a plural verb.
he is
they are
she has
the girls have
Mr. Jones lives here.
My friends live there.
Your sentences involve deciding whether a subject is singular or plural.
This site explains singular and plural subjects.
Note that Rule 3 explains A.
Since "trumpets" is closest to the verb, the correct verb should be "play."
B. The subject is "keys." The correct verb should be "are."
C. Should be "tomatoes are."
D. This is the correct answer. The two subjects are joined by "or." Only one person is helping me.
Ms. hi!
I would like you answer for me one question that I just don't get it from my English homework and if you can explain me what is a subject-verb agreement in a simple way maybe a tip or something in order that I learn how to figure it out by myself next time... the question is:
16. In which sentence do you find subject-verb agreement?
A. Neither the clarinets nor the trumpets plays the melody correctly.
B. Where is your keys to my car?
C. If you look carefully, you'll see tomatoes is on that aisle.
D. Farley or Farley's brother is helping me with the project.
Thank you beforehand!!
3 answers
Thank you Ms. Sue!...very helpful!!
You're very welcome. :-)