ms canto preformed an experiment with her class. she put one white flower into 3 different beakers. In beaker 1 she placed 30 mL of boiling water with a single drop of food coloring. In beaker 2, she placed 30mL of room temperature water with a single drop of blue food coloring. In beaker 3, she placed 30 mL of cold water with a single drop of food coloring, after 1 hour she checked to see if the color of the flowers had changed

What are the independent, dependent, and controlled variables in Ms. Canto’s class experiment?

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The independent variable in Ms. Canto's experiment is the temperature of the water in the beakers. The dependent variable is the color change of the white flowers after being placed in the different temperatures of water. The controlled variables are the amount of water in each beaker, the type and amount of food coloring used, and the type of flower being used in the experiment.