Mrs. Foster went bowling. On her first attempt, she did not knock all the pins down. She decided the ball needed more acceleration. What change should she make on her second attempt? (2 points)

1 answer

To increase the acceleration of the bowling ball on her second attempt, Mrs. Foster should consider the following changes:

  1. Increase the Force Applied: She can throw the ball with more force. This could involve using a stronger arm motion or putting more energy into the throw, which would increase the acceleration according to Newton's second law of motion (F=ma).

  2. Use a Different Technique: Adjusting her bowling technique, such as the angle at which she releases the ball or her approach speed, can also help increase acceleration. A more aggressive approach may lead to a faster delivery.

By implementing one or both of these changes, Mrs. Foster can increase the acceleration of the ball and improve her chances of knocking down all the pins on her next attempt.