Mr Santos is making enchiladas by rolling up your Tilia around the feeling tortillas are sold in package of 12 one batch of filling would make 8 enchiladas Mr Santos makes the fierce number enchiladas possible during using a whole package of tortillas and a whole batch of feelings Mr Santo makes 36 1648 or 24-inchiladas he uses six or two or four or three he'll packages of tortillas he makes four or two or three or six whole batches of feeling

1 answer

It looks like there might be a misunderstanding or some confusion in your message regarding Mr. Santos' enchilada preparation. Let's break it down.

  1. Tortillas: They are sold in packages of 12.
  2. Filling: One batch of filling can make 8 enchiladas.

To determine how many enchiladas Mr. Santos can make using the tortillas and filling, we need to establish two things:

  • From Tortillas:

    • If Mr. Santos uses one package of tortillas (12 tortillas), then he can make a maximum of 12 enchiladas directly from the tortillas.
  • From Filling:

    • If Mr. Santos uses one batch of filling, he can make 8 enchiladas.
  1. Combining Both Ingredients:
    • Since he can make only as many enchiladas as the limiting ingredient allows, we need to compare the two outcomes:
      • From Tortillas: 12 enchiladas
      • From Filling: 8 enchiladas

Since the filling is the limiting factor, Mr. Santos can make up to 8 enchiladas with one batch of filling, regardless of having enough tortillas to make 12.

  1. Using Multiple Packages:

    • If Mr. Santos uses multiple packages of tortillas or batches of filling, we determine how many batches of filling he needs based on how many enchiladas he wants to make.
    • For example:
      • If he wants to make 24 enchiladas, he would need 3 batches of filling (since 3 x 8 = 24).
      • He would also need 3 packages of tortillas to match this since 3 x 12 = 36 tortillas (and he only needs 24).
  2. Conclusion:

    • If Mr. Santos makes 36 enchiladas, he uses 3 packages of tortillas (since 3 x 12 = 36) and needs 5 batches of filling (since 5 x 8 = 40 enchiladas, which is more than he needs but he can only make 36 with enough tortillas).

Feel free to clarify or add more details for further assistance!