In an inverse proportion, as one value increases, the other value decreases. Therefore, the option that gives possible rates and times for two of his jogs is:
c. 4.5 mph for 3 hours and 6 mph for 4 hours
As the speed increases to 6 mph, the time decreases from 4 hours to 3 hours, demonstrating an inverse relationship between speed and time.
Mr. Jones jogs the same route each day. The amount of time he jogs is inversely proportional to his jogging rate.
What option gives possible rates and times for two of his jogs?
a. 5 mph for 2 hours and 4 mph for 3 hours
b. 4 mph for 2.25 hours and 6 mph for 1.5 hours
c. 4.5 mph for 3 hours and 6 mph for 4 hours
d. 6 mph for 1.5 hours and 5 mph for 1.25 hours
1 answer