Mr. Doodle’s grade distribution over the past 3 years for a course in college algebra is shown in the chart below.
Grade Number
A 45
B 180
C 110
D 95
F 65
I 5
If Jane plans to take a college algebra course with Mr. Doodle, determine the empirical probability that she receives at least a B. I think it's 1.7777 ??
11 answers
Since when can a probabliity be greater then one?
is it 180/500 = 2.7777???
Jen, think. How can 180/500 be more than one.
Jen!! 2.777 is also greater than one!
Prob of at least B is = prob of A +prob of B= (45+180)/totalofallgrades
oooooooh i totally messed up!!! sorry i did 500/180 instead of 180/ it would be 0.36....sorry :(
You forgot to include the A grades.
Bobpursley explained that above.
You forgot to include the A grades.
Bobpursley explained that above.
225/500 = 0.45??
great! i get it...thank u :)
the answer would be D 95