I am not a legal expert, but I can provide some general information. In most jurisdictions, if a person escapes from custody and remains at large for a certain period of time, their sentence may be extended to include the time they were on the run. This is commonly referred to as "escape time" or "time on the run."
However, individual laws and legal systems vary, so this might not be the case in every jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions may have specific statutes of limitations or rules regarding the maximum sentence length for a particular crime.
Furthermore, the circumstances surrounding the escape and the individual's behavior while they were on the run may also be taken into consideration. For example, if the person committed additional crimes while they were at large, they could face prosecution for those offenses as well.
It is essential to consult with a legal professional or consider the specific laws and regulations in the relevant jurisdiction to determine a definitive answer to this question.
Mr. A commenced to serve the sentence and after a month, he escaped and remained at large for twelve years, in case he is captured thereafter, can be required to serve the remaining period of his sentence?
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