Most schools and classrooms in the United States have
ELL students. Now is the time for you to begin thinking
and planning for what you will do to make sure
ELL students in your classes are successful learners.
Make your top ten list of steps to take to ensure ELL
student success
My answer: Use visual aids as often as you can. Visual aids can consist of posters, pictures, movies, graphs, charts, PowerPoint, or you can use yourself or other students as a visual aid. Another type of visual aid is handouts. They can be good and bad at times. Sometime they end up in the garbage or left behind. Many students learn better with visual aid just because you can see if first hand.
Incorporate hands-on activities to demonstrate concepts. A hands-on activity can be if you were to dissect an animal. (Frog, fish, pig, cow heart etc.) Many people learn better by doing hands-on activities but they also seem to remember the material better.
Have yes or no questions. (the answer would have a “yes or no”)
to use English to communicate in social settings,
Refrain from embarrassing ELL students with verbal correction in front of others.
Prepare outlines for lectures and distribute to ELL learners.
Encourage skim and scan reading strategies for textbook assignments. (Encourage them to just “scan” the material and not to read the whole thing.)
Avoid forcing language learners to speak
Encourage them to contribute when they are ready.
Prepare outlines for lectures and distribute to all learners
Pretty much what you would do for ELL students would work for all other students as well.
3 answers
Frankly, I would encourage text notes, and highlighting if allowed.
Bobpursley is right -- consider the subject matter when deciding what to implement and how.
Better than "skim and scan reading strategies" would be to teach all your students to use SQ3R for reading textbooks of all types effectively: