Most of the vocabulary students will acquire throughout a school yearwill be through:
a. lessons you have taught throughout the school year;
b. classroom reading and self-selected reading;
c. specific strategies you've taught throughout the year;
d. none of the above
Research on second language vocabulary learning indicates that
a. some time should be spent on direct instruction;
b. time should be spent on classroom reading;
c. time should be spent on learning word lists;
d. all of the above
7 answers
I'll be glad to check your answers.
Well I thought the first one was A. and the next one was D. all of the above. Is that right?
First: Did you learn most of your vocabulary through direct classroom instruction? I doubt it.
Don't we learn new vocabulary through all of those means?
I agree with your second answer.
Don't we learn new vocabulary through all of those means?
I agree with your second answer.
Yes we learn from all those things but there is not all of the above answer?
Sorry, I misread the answer choices. I think the best answer is all of these. But since that's not one of your choices, then probably the answer your instructor wants is b., reading.
So are the answers B, and D
a and b