more on hypotheses
hypotheses help explain puzzling situations or events. hypotheses answer "how", "what, and "why" questions. explain each of the following situations with a hypothesis:
1. you hang a bird feeder, fill it with food, but no birds come to it.
hypothesis: birds have no interest in you food or you didn't put in any bird food and simply put human food. are either correct ?
2. in your new house, you see fewer stars from your bedroom window. you're looking at the same place in the sky.
hypothesis: the new house's location does not have enough sunshine, so not much stars compared to your old house. not sure about this hypothesis, does the sunshine affect the amount of stars ? please confirm or give me another hypothesis or correct that.
3. after you put a plastic food container in the dishwasher, its lid no longer fits correctly.
hypothesis: the dishwasher shrunk or messed up the plastic food container. correct or not ?
tank you very much tutors
3 answers
2. I don't think your answer will fly. I would go with perhaps there is a tree outside the window at the new location that is blocking parts of the sky/stars.