
Laws will be minimal and will only be created to establish order and provide a list of responsibilities for each citizen. Each citizen must maintain a clean business and home, work at least 5 hours a day Monday through Friday, and help with the upkeep of the island. A schedule of those duties will be posted once the island is in working order. Basic traffic laws will apply to the use of cars.
Because everyone will be working the same amount of time and contributing equally, money will not be necessary. Everyone will be given equal assets. When needed, those items will be replaced. If the island cannot produce a product that the island needs or collectively wants, products produced by the island will be sold in Florida and the needed or wanted items will be purchased. Wanted items must be within reasonable limits.
It will be customary that every one attend the Sunday island-wide entertainment hosted near the harbor. Religious groups will then be able to meet at a designated area along the beach and have their worship services. Afterwards, the town will unify as one, regardless of religion, and celebrate the week together.

What other customs could my island have?
I don't really understand what customs are other than like religious activities...?

1 answer

How will you "purchase" items from Florida without money?

What about religious groups that do not have Sabbath services on Sunday?

What customs for dress are there? Since this is a tropical island, is nudity permitted?

What about educating the young — or any citizen? Once established, how do you acquaint new members with the customs?

What about medical needs?

What about sexual activities, private or public?

I hope this helps you realize how complex developing a society is. Thanks for asking.