More explanation on the forms of GBV.

1 answer

1. Physical violence: This form of GBV includes any form of physical harm or violence inflicted on an individual. This can range from slapping, punching, kicking, choking, or any other form of physical aggression.

2. Sexual violence: Sexual violence includes any form of non-consensual sexual activity, such as , sexual assault, sexual harassment, forced marriage, and other forms of coercion. This can also include sexually degrading acts or comments.

3. Emotional or psychological abuse: This form of GBV includes behaviors intended to intimidate, manipulate, control, or humiliate a person. This can include verbal abuse, threats, isolation from friends and family, constant criticism, and other forms of emotional manipulation.

4. Economic abuse: Economic abuse involves controlling a person's financial resources and restricting their access to money, employment, or other resources. This can include preventing a person from working, controlling their spending, or withholding money.

5. Cultural or traditional practices: Some forms of GBV are justified or perpetrated as part of cultural or traditional practices. These can include female genital mutilation, honor killings, forced marriage, and other harmful traditions that perpetuate violence against women and girls.

6. Digital abuse: With the rise of technology, GBV has taken on new forms online. This can include cyberstalking, online harassment, revenge , and other forms of digital abuse that can have serious emotional and psychological consequences for victims.

These are just some of the many forms of gender-based violence that can occur in a variety of contexts and relationships. It is important to recognize and address these forms of violence to create a safer and more equitable society for all individuals.