Mood Analysis Rough Draft Graphic Organizer
“Another Evening at the Club” by Alifa Rifaat
Women are not respected within traditional gender roles.
What feelings go along with the idea of “not being respected”?
Would we expect the author to create positive or negative connotations with the words she chooses?
Negative connotations
One of the main aspects of marriage is the love between spouses. But in many countries, love is irrelevant as marriages are arranged.
Story Summary
1-2 sentences
The text centers around Samia, her husband and her emerald ring. She temporarily loses it which in turn reveals her husband's potential true colors.
Fill in the missing info and delete the parentheses.
In “Another Evening At the Club” the mood created by Alifa Rifaat’s word choices supports the theme that women are not respected with traditional gender roles.
Evidence 1
Quote Introduction
In 1 sentence, what’s happening at this point in the story? Give your reader context for the quote.
“Abboud Bey, on his part, never visited her without bringing her a present. For her birthday, just before they were married, he bought her an emerald ring that came in a plush box bearing the name of a well-known jeweler in Kasr el-Nil Street.”
Abboud Bey gifts Samia an emerald ring for her birthday.
Short Quote & Citation
Only quote the word/short phrase you will analyze and incorporate it into your own sentence.
Abboud Bey gifts Samia an emerald ring for her birthday.
Mood Analysis
Describe the mood/emotion created by the 1 word or short phrase you quoted. This is about the meaning of the word and not the plot of the story!
The mood created by the word/phrase “never visited her without bringing her a present”______ is ___wholesome____.
Does the word/phrase have a positive or negative connotation?
Separate from the plot of the story, what does the word/phrase make you think of?
It makes me think of family and friends.
Mood/Theme Analysis
Explain how the mood supports the theme. Use words/phrases from the theme in your explanation.
“The _wholesome___ mood created by the use of the phrase “never visited her without bringing her a present” __ supports the theme because Abboud replaces respect with material gifts.
What happens at this point of the story that is related to the mood the author has created?
Their marriage has been arranged.
How do the feelings you wrote about in the mood analysis box relate to the message the author is trying to get across?
Abboud cares about the ring too much.
Evidence 2
Quote Introduction
In 1 sentence, what’s happening at this point in the story? Give your reader context for the quote.
“He stood up and gave her a sudden slap on the face. The girl reeled back, put one hand to her cheek, then lowered it again to her chest and made no answer to any of Abboud’s questions.”
Abboud instantly blames Gazia for the sudden disappearance of the ring and begins interrogating her. Oblivious, Gazia denies these allegations only to be suddenly slapped by Abboud.
Short Quote & Citation
Only quote the word/short phrase you will analyze and incorporate it into your own sentence.
Abboud instantly blames Gazia for the sudden disappearance of the ring and begins interrogating her. Oblivious, Gazia denies these allegations only to be suddenly slapped by Abboud
Mood Analysis
Describe the mood/emotion created by the 1 word or short phrase you quoted. This is about the meaning of the word and not the plot of the story!
The mood created by the word/phrase “sudden slap”_____ is __shock_____.
Does the word/phrase have a positive or negative connotation?
Separate from the plot of the story, what does the word/phrase make you think of?
It makes me thing of a fight breaking out.
Mood/Theme Analysis
Explain how the mood supports the theme. Use words/phrases from the theme in your explanation.
“The __shocking__ mood created by the use of the phrase “sudden slap”__ supports the theme because Abboud doesn't respect Gazia.
What happens at this point of the story that is related to the mood the author has created?
Abboud accuses Gazia of stealing the ring and slaps her.
How do the feelings you wrote about in the mood analysis box relate to the message the author is trying to get across?
We see Abboud slap a female although we believe that he is a respectful man.
Evidence 3
Quote Introduction
In 1 sentence, what’s happening at this point in the story? Give your reader context for the quote.
“The following day, in the late afternoon, she'd been sitting in front of her dressing-table rearranging her jewelry in its box when an earring slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor. As she bent to pick it up she saw the emerald ring stuck between the leg of the table and the wall.”
Samia simply finds the ring stuck between the leg of the table and the wall, realizing that Gazia was falsely accused. Only for Abboud to not even call to have her released.
Short Quote & Citation
Only quote the word/short phrase you will analyze and incorporate it into your own sentence.
Samia simply finds the ring stuck between the leg of the table and the wall, realizing that Gazia was falsely accused. Only for Abboud to not even call to have her released.
Mood Analysis
The mood created by the word/phrase _”she saw the emerald ring stuck
Describe the mood/emotion created by the 1 word or short phrase you quoted. This is about the meaning of the word and not the plot of the story!
between the leg of the table and the wall”_____ is __irony____.
Does the word/phrase have a positive or negative connotation?
Separate from the plot of the story, what does the word/phrase make you think of?
Mood/Theme Analysis
Explain how the mood supports the theme. Use words/phrases from the theme in your explanation.
“The __ironic__ mood created by the use of the phrase “she saw the emerald ring stuck between the leg of the table and the wall”___ supports the theme because when Abboud found out about this, he let Gazia continue getting interrogated.
What happens at this point of the story that is related to the mood the author has created?
Samia lost her ring and Abboud accused Gazia of stealing it but Samia found the ring in her room.
How do the feelings you wrote about in the mood analysis box relate to the message the author is trying to get across?
The author builds up all
Restate Thesis
In conclusion, the mood created by Alifa Rifaat’s word choices supports the theme “Woman are not respected within traditional gender roles.’
How is each mood the author creates related to the theme?
Each mood generates how the character acts
Each mood sets the tone for the character and shows the actions and whats gonna happen next
Each mood proves a point to the character
1 answer
Overall, each mood created by Rifaat serves to highlight the theme of disrespect towards women in traditional gender roles. From Abboud's materialistic gestures and violent actions to his failure to acknowledge Gazia's innocence, the author effectively conveys the detrimental impact of these attitudes on women within the story. Through her word choices and the moods she creates, Rifaat effectively portrays the negative consequences of not respecting women within traditional gender roles.