Monitor the strength of democracy in the eight countries of South Asia by looking at the fairness of most recent elections, the existence of a free press, the strength of the judiciary, and the depth of involvement of the nations’ citizens. Explain which country has the strongest democracy and which country has the weakest
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could you tell me which country in south asia has the strongest and weakest democracies and why
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In Afghanistan and Pakistan democracy is weak. Elected governments in both Pakistan and Bangladesh have been usurped by military coups. In Pakistan and Afghanistan are committed to the Islamic law which can hurt the people. In Bhutan democracy was established in 2008. Bhutan is now a constitutional monarchy.
India is the world largest democracy. India has the most stable democracy in South Asia. India has kept its democracy strong.
In Afghanistan and Pakistan democracy is weak. Elected governments in both Pakistan and Bangladesh have been usurped by military coups. In Pakistan and Afghanistan are committed to the Islamic law which can hurt the people. In Bhutan democracy was established in 2008. Bhutan is now a constitutional monarchy.
India is the world largest democracy. India has the most stable democracy in South Asia. India has kept its democracy strong.
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