The theme developed by the details in this passage is Listening to people is better than assuming things about them. The family members are frantically searching for Mitchell, assuming he is hiding out of fear or upset, but instead, he is sitting on the porch, indicating that they may not have communicated or listened to him properly before jumping to conclusions.
MOM: Oh, dear, maybe we overdid it. We need to find him and apologize. I’ll look in the kitchen pantry. (Goes through living room and out upstage center door, calling loudly) Mitchell! Mitchell!
STEPHEN: I’ll check the basement. (Exits right, calling loudly) Hey, Little Brother! Sorry if I hurt you! Come on out.
THERESA: I’ll look in the closets. (Goes through living room, out up center)
OLIVIA: Remember the time he hid in the bathtub? I’ll check there. (Exits upstage)
RYAN: I’ll look behind the curtains. (Goes into living room, starts to move curtains aside)
DAD: Hmm. (Looks under bed) He’s not under his bed. Where could he be?
RYAN (Quietly; to himself): Well, I’ll be. . . (Puts curtains back in place, then shouts) Mom! Dad! Everyone. Come here! I’ve found him! (Everyone rushes into living room.)
ALL (Ad lib): Where is he? I don’t see him. Is he still scared? (Etc.)
RYAN (Proudly): Look! (Throws open the curtains. MITCHELL is sitting on the porch, his back to
What theme of the play is developed by the details in this passage?
(1 point)
Listening to people is better than assuming things about them.
Listening to people is better than assuming things about them.
Being prepared is an essential component of dealing with severe weather.
Being prepared is an essential component of dealing with severe weather.
Fear can be an effective motivator.
Fear can be an effective motivator.
Courage is the ability to face your fears.
1 answer