Module 27.2 - At fertilization, an ovum and a spermatozoon form a zygote that prepares for cell division

3 of 13
Zona pellucida
Spindle formation
Using the diagram as a reference, arrange the items in the sequence in which they occur.
Female pronucleus forms
Meiosis finishes
Male pronucleus forms
Oocyte activation
Acrosomal enzymes disrupt th
corona radiata

1 answer

Based on the process of fertilization and early embryonic development, here's the sequence of events arranged in order:

  1. Ovulation - The release of the ovum from the ovary.
  2. Acrosomal enzymes disrupt the corona radiata - The spermatozoon releases enzymes that help it penetrate the outer layer of the ovum.
  3. Oocyte activation - The binding of the sperm triggers changes in the ovum that prepare it for fertilization.
  4. Meiosis finishes - The secondary oocyte completes meiosis II, resulting in the formation of the female pronucleus.
  5. Female pronucleus forms - The genetic material from the ovum organizes to form the female pronucleus.
  6. Male pronucleus forms - The sperm’s genetic material also organizes to form the male pronucleus.
  7. Amphimixis - The fusion of the male and female pronuclei occurs, leading to the formation of a diploid zygote.
  8. Cytokinesis - The division of the cytoplasm occurs, leading to the formation of two separate cells.
  9. Spindle formation - The mitotic spindle begins to develop within the zygote for subsequent cell divisions.

This sequence provides a comprehensive view of the key events that occur during fertilization and the start of development.