Module 10 Final Project: Native America Showcase

This project is an exam grade!


- Demonstrate knowledge of the history, culture, or important leaders in a Native American civilization (Maya, Aztec, Inca, Anasazi/Pueblo, Iroquois, or Algokian/Algonquin)


7 – W3.1.5 Describe major achievements from Indian, Chinese, Mediterranean, African, Southwest and Central Asian, Mesoamerican, and Andean civilizations.

7 – W3.1.8 Describe the role of state authority, military power, taxation systems, and institutions of coerced labor, including slavery, in building and maintaining empires.

7 – W3.1.9 Describe the significance of legal codes, belief systems, written languages, and communications in the development of large regional empires.

7 – W3.1.10 Create a timeline that illustrates the rise and fall of classical empires during the classical period.

Let’s shine a light on the history, culture, or leaders of the Native American civilizations we have been studying this module. As a reminder, we have learned about the Maya, Aztec, Inca, Anasazi (Pueblo,) Iroquois, the Algonkian/Algonquin peoples, or a tribe that is from your area (either today or historically.). In this project, you will create something that demonstrates your research of an aspect of their culture or history.

THIS PROJECT WILL ALLOW YOU MORE FREEDOM IN WHAT YOU CHOOSE AND HOW YOU COVER IT. NO MATTER WHAT YOU CHOOSE, MAKE SURE YOU FULLY RESEARCH YOUR TOPIC AND INCLUDE ENOUGH INFORMATION. Your grade will depend on how well you explain and "showcase" your topic to demonstrate that you fully researched and learned about your topic.

All writing should be in your own words
Include a list of resources, including lessons (and page numbers.) To get full points for websites, you must cite them in MLA format. If you aren't sure how, use this website!

Choose ONE of the following Showcases to complete
History Showcase

Culture Showcase

Leader Showcase

Local Showcase
In this project, you will focus on the history of one of the civilizations. You can choose an overall view or a particular event that was very important for them.

Some ideas:
- a timeline of their rise and fall
- G.R.A.P.E.S. overview slideshow
- an important war, battle, or accomplishment
In this project, you will focus on the culture (music, dance, art, crafts, literature, legends, beliefs, etc.) of one of the civilizations. You can choose one aspect to focus on, or you can give an overview of all of them.

Some ideas:
- research music from your civilization.
- Create a project that explains the beliefs or legends of your tribe
- Create a model of an important landmark
- Research a craft or invention and make your own!
In this project, you will choose a leader from one of the civilizations and describe how they impacted their civilization.

Some important leaders:
- Inca
- Aztec
- Anasazi/Pueblo
- Maya
- Iroquois
- Algonkian/Algonquin
In this project, you will focus on the history of a tribe from your area. This could mean that they previously lived in your area before settlement by European Americans, or a tribe who is now near your area.

In this project, you can research and describe their lifestyle and how they impacted your area. You can also include their interactions with European Americans and information about the tribe today.

If you have another idea of what you’d like to cover that you don’t think is included here, let me know! We can figure out how YOU would like to cover this topic. There are more ideas listed on this website that might interest you.

If you need help with your research, please let me know! I'd be happy to help.


Not sure how to make a video? Here are some resources:

Canva Video Editor

Clideo Video Maker

Use your notes and research from the prep activity!

1 answer


- Lesson 10.1: The Maya Civilization
- Lesson 10.2: The Aztec Empire
- Lesson 10.3: The Inca Empire
- Lesson 10.4: The Native Peoples of North America
- Lesson 10.5: Native American Cultures

Remember to properly cite any external sources you use in MLA format.

Good luck with your project!