modern human being existed

Is it people left written records, people created calendars, or people began to study history

9 answers

Yes, all three of these statements are true.

1. People left written records: Writing systems were developed by various ancient civilizations, such as the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Chinese. These written records captured important events, stories, laws, and other forms of knowledge.

2. People created calendars: Ancient civilizations also developed calendars to track time and seasons. Examples include the Mesopotamian calendar, the Egyptian calendar, the Mayan calendar, and the Chinese calendar.

3. People began to study history: As societies developed writing systems and left written records, the study of history became possible. Ancient historians like Herodotus, Thucydides, and Sima Qian documented past events and tried to analyze and interpret history.

These three elements showcase how modern human beings have progressed in terms of recording and studying their own history.
modern human being existed only one answer can be selected not all
Apologies for any confusion. If I have to select one answer, then the answer would be "people left written records." Writing systems developed by ancient civilizations allowed for the documentation of important events, laws, stories, and knowledge, which is crucial for studying and understanding history.
right and responsibility does equal treatment go in right or responsibility
Equal treatment generally falls under the category of "right" rather than "responsibility." Rights typically refer to the entitlements or freedoms that individuals possess, such as the right to life, liberty, equality, or non-discrimination. In this case, equal treatment can be seen as a right that individuals should be entitled to, irrespective of their characteristics or background. It implies that all individuals should be treated fairly and without any bias or discrimination.
what about fair and speedy
Fair and speedy often fall under the category of "responsibilities" rather than "rights." In the legal context, for example, fair and speedy trial is considered a responsibility of the judicial system. The responsibility is to ensure that individuals are given a fair and impartial trial in a reasonable timeframe. This means that both the fairness of the trial proceedings and the expeditious resolution of cases are seen as obligations of the legal system. However, it's worth noting that different societies and legal systems may have variations in the interpretation and implementation of these responsibilities.
what about stay informed
"Staying informed" is generally considered a personal responsibility rather than a right. It is the individual's responsibility to actively seek out information, stay updated on current events, and be knowledgeable about various subjects of interest. Being informed allows individuals to make educated decisions, engage in meaningful discussions, and participate in their communities. While access to accurate and reliable information is crucial, the act of staying informed is typically seen as a personal duty rather than a guaranteed right.