1. PICO: This is a commonly used mnemonic device for formulating clinical research questions. It stands for:
- P: Patient, problem, or population of interest
- I: Intervention or exposure being considered
- C: Comparison intervention or exposure
- O: Outcome(s) of interest
2. SPIDER: This mnemonic is often used for qualitative research study designs. It stands for:
- S: Sample of participants
- P: Phenomenon of interest
- I: Design or approach
- D: Data collection method
- E: Analysis or interpretation of data
- R: Results or findings
3. SCIENTIFIC: This mnemonic helps to remember different types of research methods:
- S: Survey research
- C: Case study
- I: Experimental research
- E: Ethnographic research
- N: Non-experimental research
- T: Theoretical research
- I: Interview research
- F: Field study research
- I: Interpretive research
- C: Content analysis research
4. OCEAN: This mnemonic can be used to remember different types of research paradigms:
- O: Observational research
- C: Correlational research
- E: Experimental research
- A: Action research
- N: Non-experimental research
5. CATS: This mnemonic helps to remember the different types of sampling methods used in research:
- C: Convenience sampling
- A: Accidental sampling
- T: Targeted sampling
- S: Snowball sampling
mnemonic devices to remember types of research
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