Works Cited
Blake, William. "The Tyger." Songs of Experience, 1794.
---. "The Lamb." Songs of Innocence, 1789.
---. "The Chimney Sweeper." Songs of Experience, 1794.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Lyrical Ballads, 1798.
Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. 1818.
In-Text Citations
In "The Tyger," Blake asks, "What immortal hand or eye, / Could frame thy fearful symmetry?" (Blake).
The poem "The Lamb" by Blake explores the innocence and purity of a young lamb (Blake).
Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" tells the harrowing tale of a sailor and his encounters with supernatural forces (Coleridge).
In Frankenstein, Shelley delves into the consequences of playing God and creating a monster (Shelley).
Minimum of 5 sources in your MLA formatted Works Cited Page
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How does the idea of the monster / supernatural evolve throughout the time periods and works we’ve studied this year?
The Tyger
The lamb
The chimney sweeper
Coleridge Samuel Taylor
The rime of ancient mariner
Kubla Khan the rime of the ancient mariner
1 answer