1. Spreadsheet - A software application designed primarily for working with numerical data, organized in rows and columns.
2. Workbook - A collection of one or more spreadsheets that are saved together in a single file.
3. Worksheet - A single spreadsheet within a workbook that can be used to organize, analyze, and present data.
4. Function - A built-in formula that performs a specific task, such as calculating an average or finding the maximum value in a range of cells.
5. Formula - An equation that performs a calculation on one or more values in a spreadsheet. Formulas can be used to perform mathematical operations, manipulate text, or reference other cells.
6. Ribbon - An interface element in Microsoft Excel that provides access to a wide range of tools and commands, organized into tabs and groups.
7. Columns - A vertical series of cells in a spreadsheet, identified by letters at the top of the column.
8. Row heading - A horizontal series of cells in a spreadsheet, identified by numbers on the left side of the row.
9. Active cell - The currently selected cell in a spreadsheet, indicated by a thick border around the cell. The active cell is where data can be entered or edited.
Microsoft excel key terms.
1. spreadsheet
2. workbook
3. worksheet
4. function
5. formula
6. Ribbon
7. columns
8. Row heading
9. Active cell
Give definition to all pleasee
1 answer