Michael Scott ordered six pizzas for an office celebration. The pizza arrived with the pizzas. Michael presented a half-off coupon for all six pizzas, but the coupon expired by one day. The pizza boy refused to leave without full payment. Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute placed the pizza boy in a room in the office against the pizza boy's will. They said they would release the pizza boy only if he accepted the half-off coupon. After about an hour, Michael Scott released the pizza boy paying the full price.

What crime or crimes did Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute commit?

Unlawful imprisonment

1 answer

Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute committed:

a. Unlawful imprisonment

They confined the pizza boy against his will, which constitutes unlawful imprisonment. Kidnapping typically involves taking a person away or holding them for ransom or other purposes, which may not fully apply in this situation since the boy was not taken away from the location, just confined. The other options (robbery and assault) do not fit the scenario as described.